The Portland Freelancer: 10,000 Hits and Some of Them Weren’t Even Me
This morning the 10,000 hit total has been breached, with some more new countries joining the effort. If you just checked in from McClaren Flat, South Australia, or Casablancquilla, Spain, welcome to the Portland Freelancer. There’s also a couple of Germany hits and one from Moscow, Russia. Sorry about the local coverage of the tram issue – it’s this government boondoggle we’re dealing with right now. One of the problems humanity has always faced is how to have a government without developing a ruling class that thinks it’s all about them. I doubt this comes as much news to our visitor from Moscow.
So bear with me as we work through this nagging nightmare and then maybe we can return to issues of greater scope. The tram is a global issue in the sense that we are trying to get our next generation educated - that could only help the world. Instead we have a bunch of politicians more interested in gee-whiz amusement park rides, than the actual mundane business of running a city.
Thanks everyone who clicked on the Portland Freelancer for the first 10,000 hits.
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