My Idea of Heaven: Michelle Pfeiffer and the Truth
The last thing anyone of us wants is to live in the shadows of a monstrous lie. It’s one thing to be powerless to do anything about our lot in life; that comes with its own indignity. But not even knowing we’ve been duped? That would be particularly harsh.
Maybe that’s why my idea of heaven involves a lecture hall – a lecture hall where Michelle Pfeiffer explains anything you would want to know. For example, among the topics that would really interest me, would be who killed JFK? How about an hour and a half presentation of what really happened leading up to Dallas and afterwards? That knowledge would have saved me a lot of time over the years reading about it, plus time I spent watching “Rush to Judgment”, attending a lecture by Mark Lane, and seeing special after special on TV. I once met Pierre Salinger, and I stood right behind a seated John Connally, but that was as close to the actual participants as I’ve been. The one experience that haunted me a little was being 10 feet from John Kennedy, Jr once, several years before he died.
Seeing him was a reminder that we never really settled, beyond a reasonable doubt, what happened to his Dad. We never got John complete justice, and I had the sense we let him down. Imagine John’s reaction to the Zapruder film – watching your Dad get killed. That topic really haunts me, and I think it might have been where this nation first got off the path. I don’t care if it’s too late to do anything about it now, I just want to know the truth.
In other lecture halls, other Michelle Pfeiffers would lecture about UFOs. I’d love to know the real truth about UFOs. And cells. I’m fascinated by how cells work. Then there’d be the obvious subjects: The truth about God, and if he or she exists, where the hell he or she came from, and a thousand other things. And finally, I wouldn’t mind hearing Michelle talk a little about herself.
Actually, fairly early on in the process, I’d take Michelle in my arms – by then we’d be very close – and whisper to her, “Tell me about 9/11. Is there anything at all to the theory that the U.S. government was involved in 9/11?” I just would want to know once and for all why there is such a troubling case about prior knowledge, and possible participation by our government in 9/11. Now if Michelle smiles and says, “You silly boy,” I’ll be delighted, but damn it, there are a few loose parts to this event, that don’t add up. I just want to know what really happened.
For now, it’s a little like being back in the early days with JFK. To that end, I read the book below. There are some things that you will find troubling in it about 9/11. That’s all I’ll say. And no, the book was not written by Michelle Pfeiffer.

RE the Truth:
as you referenced weeks ago, the TWA flight out of New York that really, really, really wasn't brought down by a missile.
I would love to hear what happened to TWA 800. There's some strong evidence that we didn't get the real story.
One thing's for sure: I wouldn't avoid 747s because I was afraid the fuel tank would explode, let me put it that way.
Bill, can you explain to yourself or us, or help me understand, why you are hedged in your own mind and understanding off the truth?
The truth is: The kinetic energy evidenced in the three skyscrapers' collapsings is over a hundred times out-of-balance greater than all the potential energy a plane and fireball could possibly unleash, in the very physics of it. This is impossible to accord with the absolute law of physics that energy is always conserved, and that the energy going into each moment of time, event, is EXACTLY EQUAL to the energy coming out, measurable, only appearing in a different form. (For example, energy put into rubbing your hands together, is differentiated by friction, and comes out as heat energy. And energy IN is exactly equal to energy OUT. Exactly. Every time. Since that's the definition of a unit of time: A unity of energies.)
Believing a skyscraper could collapse from an airplane impact and sixty-minute fire -- in a New York hour ! -- is the same as believing someone could build a perpetual motion machine: it's a con. It's not physically possible. That is the truth of impossibility. Like, it is physically impossible eight reindeer could fly pulling a sleigh, around the world in a day, etc., etc., but there are people who believe it happened. It's a con.
Learning science, that is, physics and chemistry and math, that is, reading and writing and arithmetic, is very empowering to you. Learning art, that is, style and balance and timing, that is, love and beauty and faith, is very empowering of you. Two, two, two brains in one. Don't leave home without them.
The physics of three skyscrapers exploding, compared to the physics potential of an incoming plane, being called equal energies, is like one firecracker 'popping' a red brick into half dust. This analogy correlates the lie of a skyscaper collapse from airplane energy, with the haptic sense of the matters in any anyone who has handled a standard red building brick and popped a few firecrackers, which is a majority of people. Standard brick. Standard firecracker. No dust. By a factor of hundreds. Not even close. In a way, the citizens just as complicit in Nine-Eleven Op crimes are the learned scientists knowing physics who keep silent. Silent as the perpetrators.
The Energy in can only balance Energy out. Period. Truth. Speak it or be disbelieved, uncredible, having your knowledge called 'opinion.' You are entitled to your own opinions, but the real world of the sciences and the arts has only one set of facts. Which anyone can use to get real, and realization.
(As for fires of paper, wood and kerosine -- the common name for jetfuel, on Nine-Eleven having melted steel beams in the skyscraper, or even 'softened' steel beams, try this: A can of gas, a railroad rail -- you can buy one from a laboratory supply catalog, 'rail, railroad,' listed just before 'rats, white.' You burn your gasoline all day under that railroad rail and see if it 'softens.' The gas burns hotter than kerosine and hotter than wood or paper, so go ahead and pile some on, get that blaze really going. (Although in the skyscrapers, you only had a New York hour, and there were thousands of beams to soften; heft that hunk of steel rail there for awhile to get a sense of what it takes to hold up a building in wind and rain and shine.) And, with your gas-on-the-railroad fire experiment, (you already know this: ), pouring on more gas makes it burn longer, it does NOT make gas burn hotter than gas can burn. Gas always burns at the same temperature of the energy it has to release, because that's what it has, that's what it releases, that's why it's gasoline, that's why you can design a motor that runs on it, that's why cars go, because gas always gives you the same temperature of combustion, nothing more nothing less, count on it. More gas makes your car run further, it doesn't make your car fly.)
And another thing about Nine-Eleven Op truth ... notice the trend is toward increase in the percent of people who know it was a hoax, meaning office holders and agents of the U.S.Govt have premeditatively, and deliberately, and intentionally lied to us. Whatever the truth is is not yet known, just saying what they told us -- and what you believe, Bill -- is a lie.
Yeah, it is psychologically painful to know the truth. But it remains the truth, irrespective of how you handle it. Or it handles you.
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I turn now to BlueOregon bashing, because the theme there is to discredit, discount, and disallow information about sociopathic political crimes, and the politicians complicit, in the mass murders of the Nine-Eleven Op. BlueOregon apparently plans to stop science from spreading, so as to draw people's votes for said and certain politicians and measures BlueOregon favors, whether they call them progressives or whatever. But BlueOregon is lying, to itself, to its clients, in saying science does not exist to prove politicians are lying and there is a Nine-Eleven Op cover-up -- so why would any knowledgeable, influential-quality voter support BlueOregon's choices judging by lies to themself of what reality is.
Same goes for you Bill, but see, when you say 'I don't know what happened, and at my expense would facilitate more discussion and knowledge and understanding of it, so that I might know what happened,' then, then you are not lying. And if information comes and you consider its truth and share it, then, then you are not lying to yourself, you are talking truth to powerful sociopaths. And this half-gentle bashing of BlueOregon is set to show that a solitary blogger who blogs the truth enjoins more respect, renown, maybe contributions, maybe site traffic, than the blog of a gang of truth-gaggers.
Here's a link to another politics-faced blog -- Blog for Oregon . com -- threading Nine-Eleven Op truth into political awareness it offers. It may show why ostrich Democrats are not enthusing voters' support for their head-in-the-sand, forget-Nine-Eleven-Op, self-deceit, self-discredit, and political Death with Ignorance in Oregon.
And here's my comment, (to my best recollection), which I put in a BlueOregon thread on the topic of the prospects of fascistic Gordon Smith replacing Gale Norton as Secr.o'Interior; the comment that got deleted as 'excessive name-calling' and got communications from me banned at progressive open-minded BlueOregon:
"Smith is antichrist.
Smith's nazi-like fascism is evil on our land.
Smith is sin."
The act of banning me shows Smith's corruption of office to extort BlueOregon compliance in perpetuating political lies to voters, and the phony facade of a two-partisan power struggle. It is NOT D's against R's. It IS D's & R's against Americans and society. It IS politics against government. So, BIG shout out here at The Portland Freelancer to everyone BlueOregon dislikes, dumbs down, and disenfranchises. Check out The Portland Freelancer blog ! He's got a lot of commendably commentable good stuff for a one-man-plus-social-director line-up.
When BlueOregon takes your name and puts you on the feds-meds NO SAY list, it is done in secret and without showing cause. (Speaking of meds, news item today finds Ambian pills make sleepwalking gastropods sucking out refrigerators in the night, and this, like exactly one year, after Colin Powell explained the (Bush administration) treatment for frequent jet lag, "Everyone around here's on Ambian." So it was bad intelligence. It was incompetence. It was AMBIAN pills. Three, three, three excuses at once. The truth seems like it deserved a thread of its own, somewhere. But hey, if you say anything about the science of Nine-Eleven, the faith-based phakephysics police'll inordinately recondition you, put you behind bars in front of a refrigerator and force-feed you Ambian 'medication.')
Anyway, I didn't know I was banned at the blue brahmins infirmary. When news broke that Norton resigned in corruption guilts, together with earlier news that Smith is soul-deep in the same corruption, I returned to the scene of my information display crimes and composed the following, and clicked to Post my work in the comment, and THEN got the BlueOregon blacklist "You are not allowed to post comments." Which fairly poorly says it all.
So here is my contributions only a truth seeker like The Portland Freelancer blog EXCLUSIVELY can offer influential voters to consider. And it has a prediction in it.
As for how much a "stupid move" it is, one that "doesn't make much sense," to retire Norton and get Smith, flip it around. Look behind, more than in front: They are PUSHED into their gang shuffle, and Smith IS IN IT, the rightwingiest, most unconscienced, presence-challenged gang of anti-patriots.
Norton pushed out -- she's ILLICIT, dammit, READ. THE. NEWS. REPORTS.!! Believe the clues, not the spin -- for corruption and graft and illegal connections around Abramoff, the spectacular human lens on Republican crimes and criminals in place, Wash DC, Smith's home town.
And Smith is a goner, when he leaves Senate safety behind traditional 'veil of deliberation' curtesies granted sitting Members, and takes a seat in a drawer in the cabinet of the (Bush administration). Smith would be exposed outside congressional immunities and bringable to charges or indictment for his own corrupt commerce with Abramoff, same as Norton, same fated 'stepping down' as quick as he sidles into secretary. Smith will decline to serve in the cabinet, I foretell.
So that leaves Oregon with at least one known corrupt sitting USSenator, the rightwinger one. And a co-indicting silence in Oregon's pol's and mass media to assert State standing to investigate the absentee, (Smith last seen in Virgin Islands, going south), indict, return, convict, and sentence him if evidence warrants. The silence of the shams in Oregon politics was earlier seen all gagged with a Goldschmidt, except I think there was a Pulitzer in it for some non-sham.
Don't call names at a corrupt senator. Call his name to face justice, though.
The only time I met him eyeball to eyeball to view in his soul, (it's dark in there), and take his measure in my way, (given father-to-son in my family's generations as: Learn to be a Judge of Character, 'when you grow up,' or 'then you're grown up'), was the time the Smith & Wyden spinwit twins were in town three weeks before the Iraq invasion war crime,(shortly after Powell went to waving a fear-electrifying phony anthrax bottle at the UN), come back to the home state to soften the constituents to expect to accept war crimes on their behalf.
Smith said then, "There are WMDs in Iraq, we are all in fearsome danger," and I instantly spoke back at him, aloud ten feet away in the second row, and said, "NO there's not." Stopped him talking. He glared at me. Lost his panache. Tried to set his cadence pat. And started in lying some more. (You do know the rightwingers knowingly lied us into Iraq invasion acceptance, don't you? Or, as Sam Seder puts it, 'how can it have been "bad intelligence" when it was made-up intelligence?') Smith's one of them, and yeah, I see where that's defamatory name-calling.
In his stand-up bit, he stumble-talked on trying to cross a rhetoric bridge to boilerplate patriotism in reciting the '... purpose of war, to the FOUNDing of the MEANing of our Great COUNtry of deMOCkracy for the PURposes eNUMErated in the Constitution ...' and then he listed three - perfect union, common defense, general welfare -- and got stuck, dead air, uh, er, does. not. KNOW. the. other. three. (who cares in Oregon?, we don't teach the kids that), and Wyden took over talking to rescue Smith and finish. [n.b. establish justice, domestic tranquility, (no fear), and blessings of liberty across generations. How quaint-sounding versus the]
And here for more: Wayne Madsen Report
March 12, 2006 -- Gale Norton's sudden decision to resign as Interior Secretary is a sign that the Jack Abramoff investigation is closing in on higher-ranking Bush administration officials, according to informed Washington insiders. Norton is at the center of the scandal that has embroiled convicted GOP lobbyist Abramoff, her Interior Department deputy Steven Griles (accused by Interior's chief attorney of meddling in decisions involving the Coushatta tribe of Louisiana, which was an Abramoff client) and Italia Federici, the president of the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, a corporate-funded front co-founded by Norton and GOP policy adviser Grover Norquist that arranged for access to Norton and top Interior officials in exchange for ...
Read on at the source, it's about Indians building casinos like here in Smith's 'district' just off the Gorge ... hey, that'd be a great place for a casino ... if someone could arrange it.
Look behind the media mask and into true clues.
" Smith will decline to serve in the cabinet, I foretell."
Accurately predicted. Kempthorne got the Secr'y nod. Smith vaporized, poof.
And all the gruff and stuff on Blue Oregon about and around and featuring Smith was all a planted puff piece, built to distraction (from Smith's criminal Abramoff alliance) by unfounded comments talking to the p.r. Smith apparition, an entirely imaginary Senator, and none of it with any substantive sense of the real mannequin Smith is in his dismal self.
Except one comment hit the flyspeck -- splat*
Smith is antichrist.
Smith's nazi-like fascism is evil on our land.
Smith is sin.
And the accurate one is who Blue Oregon cannot allow to speak truth among the deluded subjects. Leave them dreaming, they can't handle reality.
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