Tram Awards Planning Nears Completion: Budget Does Not Grow!
The Lighter Notes met last night and much music was made. The new percussionist sounds pretty legit. They tell me he’s a Ph. D. which could raise the IQ level in the old group by a few points. I am fairly well along in all planning phases of this extravaganza/nightmare. It'll be interesting to see what happens. I have to admit it does feel a little like one of those weird contests on the Apprentice. Maybe though, just maybe, it will be memorable.
I’ve heard from some of you and I’m looking forward to meeting you.
I didn’t invite any candidates but it’s a free country. I’d love to see the candidates turn out but they have to make that call – not me. There is one thing for sure, blast or bust, it will be over soon enough, and then it’s back to regular life, which these days, ain’t bad either.
Here's hoping it's a success!
Here's hoping it's a success!
Will "Oregon Dreamer Dollars" be accepted?
They don't exist yet, but might soon. There is no reason to let the federal level folks get all the Seigniorage.
We could make the Bond Rating folks look instead to a free market exchange rate to measure the value of Oregon's tax backed instrument of choice.
It seems only natural that we could use "Oregon Dreamer Dollars" as a means of exchange to buy beer and pizza, just like Oregon Commercial Banks get to freely exchange "Full Faith And Credit" bonds with someone else setting the exchange rate.
If only we were a separate country, like Argentina, we might see the error of the ways of our leaders that pledge to deliver ever more future taxes to an outside set of folks. Suppose all bonds were to be repaid not in "US Dollars" but in "Oregon Dreamer Dollars."
-- Dollarization
-- Call it Dreamerization, I suppose.
-- pdxnag (aboriginal rebel)
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