Saturday, July 15, 2006

The United States Is Heading for Bankruptcy

One of the dumbest things said by anyone in the Bush administration, was uttered by Grandfather Darkness himself - Dick Cheney - when he said, "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter." Of course, he meant they can't hurt you in an election because the public seems overwhelmed by the numbers - these guys never think in terms of what is good for the future of the country. It's all about the immediate spin. Every now and then I've been seeing these reports about the financial condition of the United States, especially in regards to unfunded financial commitments that we've already made. Here's one of those articles for you to ponder. Of course, anyone who brings this up is trying to "talk down the economy", but it's important to remember that the Soviet Union fell apart financially from within. That's how they ended their superpower status. We are in the process of doing the same. Deficits do matter, and though President Bush has turned in some terrific numbers for the top 1% of Americans - numbers vast enough for the entire economy to appear great, here's the real situation: The majority of Americans are not doing that much better, the financial well-being of the nation is headed for collapse, and Bush and Cheney couldn't care less. It's always been about the feeling of power for Cheney and Rumsfeld, and once they are gone, America's solvency means nothing to them. Oh sure, they would prefer we did well, but none of their actions seem to indicate it. Deficits do matter. Reagan ran up two trillion in debt and got away with it, but that's not the result of clever financial management - we still haven't paid it off. It's a result of a Republican spin machine that keeps selling Reagan as a terrific President. If America doesn't correct its path, we will go bankrupt, and implode as a superpower. By then - also courtesy of President Bush - we will have to pay for the fact that much of the world now hates us. It's not a pretty scenario but these are ugly times. Cheney will go down as one of the true idiot-villains in American History. It could turn out the thing he did best was fire a shotgun.

Telegraph | Money | US 'could be going bankrupt'


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Jack Bog said...

Yes, but he pointed it away from himself.

At 9:49 PM, Blogger LaurelhurstDad said...

Cheney and his cronies probably don’t care if they are remembered as idiots or villains. They’ve got theirs and that’s what counts.

He and his buddies who run the companies that control Congress are over the hump of their lives. What they do to the economy and the environment probably won’t affect them in the time they have left, except make them richer. And in the world of the super wealthy, that’s winning.

They hit the jackpot when they found the idiot son of one of their own who was utterly without morals and common sense. Young Bush was able to lie and smile his way into office, and allowed his bosses to rape and plunder the country. Too bad so many people have to suffer and die for a few corrupt, despicable, greedy men.

Gosh, I sound bitter.

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Bill McDonald said...

I still find myself trying to find something - anything to make sense of Richard Cheney. The readings I get are so far into the Twight Zone that I have to recalibrate the machine. What does it do to a man to have 4 heart attacks? What did it do to this one? Make him want to hurt others? Put him in a denial so big he doesn't even acknowledge his own mortality?
My final take on these guys always includes a brief jolt of pity. Not the kind of pity you have for someone who got a bad break. But the momentary kind of pity you have for a serial killer or psychopath - it must be sad to have a vast void where a happy soul should be. Imagine that day years ago when they first realized who they were, and what was missing. When they first began compensating and channeling their weirdness into power and against others. How empty. Could you imagne Cheney crying?

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Bill McDonald said...

Early in that last comment I meant:

Twilight Zone. Make it the Twilight Zone.
That's what I get for not making up my own phrase. Okay the readings are so far down
the Weird Aisle....

At 12:31 AM, Blogger LaurelhurstDad said...

I envy your abilty to use such poetic phrases when writing of Cheney and company.

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rule #2 when considering rational political debate: NEVER give one ounce of credence to anyone who uses the cliche'-ish term "cronies". #1 is the 'Nazi ends the discussion' one. But hey, at least you didn't say "BushCo", "Bush Bunch" or "ChimpySmirkHitler".....good job.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Bill McDonald said...

And good job not bringing up Clinton and the blind hatred for President Bush that keeps us from seeing what a wonderful job he's doing.

At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.


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