Thursday, August 24, 2006

Charlie Stanford: Soon It Will Be Phil Who?

One day Phil Stanford could be known as Charlie Stanford's Dad. Come to think of it, to some local club owners, he already is. The columnist and author has modestly kept any news of his young jazz-guitarist son out of the Tribune, and I don't think the Oregonian will come through either. That's a mistake because this is exactly the kind of story we should be celebrating here in Portland. A young man shows great promise on jazz guitar. He seems to be saying something much heavier than his age would indicate. He just got back from a national seminar held in northern California with the best young jazz musicians in America and he was the only guitarist selected. This is a great story. A week from tomorrow - Saturday, September 2nd - he'll be performing at the Blue Monk on suddenly hip S.E. Belmont Street. Drop by and listen for yourself. I even put one of his recent performances on my cable access show, and if his career can survive that, you know he has what it takes.


At 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you get when you cross a penis and a potato? A dictator.

ok....that was horrible.

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