Monday, August 07, 2006

My Joe Lieberman Story

Bill McDonald writes:
It struck me that tonight could be the last good chance I have to run my Senator Joe Lieberman anecdote - such as it is. So here goes: Oregon was a second-tier battleground state in Election 2000. Bush and Gore spent more time in Florida, but our state received numerous visits from the VP candidates. It really was quite ridiculous. Every few days Cheney or Lieberman seemed to show up. Also playing a prominent role in the Oregon campaign - at least for me - was the parking lot and sidewalks around the building on SE Madision between 11th and 12th. One event was a campaign rally for the Democrats featuring some Hollywood big shots. On the eastside sidewalk was where I had one of the true honors of my comedy writing life. It was there that I shook hands with Rob Reiner. I also shook hands with Martin Sheen on the building's back steps. To most people Rob Reiner was Meathead in "All in the Family", but to me he was Carl Reiner's son and the maker of "Spinal Tap". I used to have a picture on my wall at the old place of Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner laughing. These Jewish comedians, mainly from the East Coast are my comedy heros. I admire their comedic rhythms the way some people admire Muddy Waters. Rob did some brilliant comedy inside with his arms waving around wildly. One example: "Diversity on a Republican ticket means the candidates are from different oil companies."
Senator Joe Lieberman was a disappointment to me on TV. He was dull, as if they picked him to try and make Al Gore seem more exciting. I like meeting people on the news, so when I heard Joe Lieberman had scheduled yet another Oregon appearance I made my way down to have a look. And guess where it was held? The same building down on SE Madison between 11th and 12th. As Lieberman made his way through the parking lot, I could see he had the senatorial fineness of features. These guys usually do have an edge that doesn't show up on TV. If you saw Joe Lieberman in a room with 50 people you could pick him out as the Senator. They do look classy in person. As he made his way towards me, I decided to try out his sense of humor. I shook hands with him and said, "You must like it here. You keep coming back." He laughed and said, "It's a nice place." I thought he seemed nice, but I had to admit, he was a little dull. The campaign would have worked out so much better if Al Gore had picked Rob Reiner.


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