Friday, January 13, 2006


Dear Lora Cuykendall,
I sensed you didn’t like me when you were an editor at the Portland Tribune, and that’s fine. After the Tribune discontinued my column, I worked through my feelings about you and the paper so that by the time you were fired, I didn’t even gloat.
We both landed on our feet and that is what life is all about. I went on writing for over 140 radio stations, and recently sold my 500th joke to Jay Leno. You bounced around a little, but I see you are now at OHSU as the “Director, news and publications.” That means you are their media contact for the aerial tram. So here goes:
The aerial tram is a stupid, selfish, power-grabbing idea with a budget that is a bloated mess. It will make for a hideous eyesore, like a transmission line on steroids. My columns didn't suck anywhere near as bad as this plan. Thanks. I feel better now.
Bill McDonald


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