Thursday, February 09, 2006

You Want Scary, Read This

I don't know if this is for real, but if ex-UN Inspector Scott Ritter even came close to saying any of this, and if any of it is true, I'm officially freaked out:

BELLACIAO - Ex-U.N. Inspector: Decision Already Made To Attack Iran - fidelista - Collective Bellaciao


At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, chill. Ain't going to be no Iran overt attack. Your and my taxes already pay illegal GI incursions across the borders, (from Iraq, west, and from Afghanistan, east, also from north and south sides), into Iran. Foamy-mouthed powermad girlie hitlers could sortie some strafe and bombs into Iran if they plan to blame it on Israel, but even that's doubtful and if they did do it then getting the blame to stick on Israel is doubtful.

However, you are to be very very afraid that W is deranged inhuman and might do it, (that was Nixon's last-gasp grasp at being taken seriously, if you remember -- 'don't upset him, he may be crazy, CRAZY).

W is infantile deranged. (You know, of course, when he was 7 his sister age 3 died of leukemia(?) and Babs and Poppy didn't tell Dubya for ... too long. And you know Jeb is on record telling how Dubya used to order Jeb and Neal and Marvin to RUN, RUN, RUN, as Dubya shot them with a b-b gun. You DID know ...?)

The imbecile is indeed a psychopathic danger. And reason to worry IF he was in charge. He's not. Dubya does what he's told. (Big surprise for him later this year, when he finds out what they are going to tell him to do. More later.)

The way to know there is no Iran attack ahead -- although lots of threats / plans / ultimatums / denouncements / and pukeBush, but no attack -- is because China paid Iran 80 billion-with-a-'B' (dollar equivalent) for oil. China does not look kindly on Dubya bombing their oil supplier. And China does not retaliate with army and guns and bombs ... they have much more damaging weapons. They own us.

Besides, if threatened attack was real and imminent, the media would not pre-announce it.

Keep in mind, most of the names you see giving out threat-opinions, like this weapons-inspector guy, are CIA-paid propagandists. You know, Plame's cover firm, Brewster Jennings, also did actually trade bonds and financial instruments to keep up the front, as advertised. 'Real' traders who had done business with B.J. just about sh*t when they found out that's the CIA. Point being, CIA operations is not some enigmatic foreign escapade with exotic people in it -- CIA fascism is on your street, lives in your neighborhood, and is nice Wilford Brimley-types behind the counter at places you do business.

Don't think about that, though, don't look for it, no -- be very very afraid, hang on every threat planted in 'the news' to infect the worry wart on your brain, don't talk to Iranians because you have been told they are not good enough for you, always, always suspect foreigners, never, never think about your local police shooting people dead.

You talked of bumping into Carl Click in the Post Office, and getting the blue lady to smile. If she gave you her phone number in the Post Office, and you forgot the last two digits or something, you can get a dub of your conversation, with video, from any one of The Company's local agents.

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Bill McDonald said...

I like the analysis part with China and Iranian oil. That's the prism with which to look at the world. What gets me is that if the oil supply dipped, it would be in China's interest for the US economy to drop into a deep depression, and from what I read, they could make it happen. If I had to name W's plan, it appears he's trying to damage our oil supply - I mean going out of his way to make it less secure. Why? The only thing I can think of is that he's an arrogant dumb-ass.

At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These invasions always come after the Super Bowl. Ritter always seems to be right about things like this. Good news is our work in Iraq is done, and all is well; we can take our troops out now. Bad news is, they'll have to make a brief stop in Iran before they can come home. But the good news is that a little shock and awe and they'll welcome us with open arms. And with all those new bases in Iraq, we don't have to beg for permission from anyone to stage an invasion using anyone else's air space.
I have seen the brilliance in the new "let freedom reign" campaign. Let's say Al Quaeda (however you spell that) gets elected, then we'll have a better reason to declare war since the government really does state their intention to destroy us. Better than attacking a country because we think someone there might someday commit a crime against Americans. With Hamas in charge of whatever Palestinian territory there is, Isreal has a batter reason to destroy them. I'm old school, though, and I think you have to wait for one country to actually attack another country before you start blowing up cities.

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks, the bushkis don't care a lick about America any more. The corporatocracy they represent is all about Int'l. They don't even need us for customers. It's hard to sell us shit, as we're all completely buried in it. The only way they get us to buy more shit is via built-in obsolescence. There's 3.5 billion Eurasians out there to sell to now.

What's sad is that when the bomb goes off in an American city, it will probably have been detonated by the bushkis.

At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It cna't be a bomb, for the pragmatics. It was supposed to be a gas (bio-chemical) but the opening closed. Besides, it wasn't known how; it's not nice to fool professor science.

Bill, regarding Dubyas plan: you got to be kidding. He don't have a plan, he has a script. To write a plan takes a motive, he's mr. good time rock and roll dead drunk.

Crossing the Rubicon spelled out the plan. TPTB see ahead, and saw thirtysome years ago, the supply of oil ramping down and the population ramping up. (Which was one of their miscalculations -- against expectations, human population stopped ramping up about 1990 and has levelled off at least but may be curving down. This extends the natural resource limits and betters everyone's quality of life.)

When demand going up crosses supply coming down, something's gotta give, one of two ways. 1. Increase supply. 2. Decrease demand.

The increase supply side is the ones going around looking for 'alternatives.' Mostly misguided because an alternative energy is not the same as an alternative fuel.

The recessive-gene Bush brigade is the decrease demand side. And to that end their main means is mass murder.

Their totalitarian blinders expect to eliminate everyone else and drink to the bottom of oil on earth for themselves and the lifestyle furnishings they intend to remain accustomed to. Like plastics. And exotic food.

And maintaining slaves with violent military barbarianism. That was their second miscalculation.

Without oil, there's no steel metallurgy. No airplanes. No missiles. No bullets.

Only ideas and human behavior.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Bill McDonald said...

I read in Scientific Amercan that we're still adding people at the rate of a billion every 14 years or so. It won't peak till 9 billion according to the magazine.


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