Maureen Dowd, Come Back to Us

Okay, she has more issues than Life magazine. And yes, she’s been off stride ever since her ridiculous book, “Are Men Necessary?” But this is Maureen Dowd, not some hack like Ann Coulter. When she’s on she’s the best columnist working today, with an overall brilliance to match her vocabulary. Look, I’ll be the first to admit I’ve phoned in a few columns, and we’ve all been worn down by the incessant meanness of these times, but Maureen, what has happened to you? Thankfully, Paul Krugman has been tearing up - he's been living in the zone lately. But Frank Rich is off writing a book, and Thomas Friedman has been his usual namby-pamby self. Safire's gone. We need you.
Actually, I admire Thomas Friedman’s approach in one respect: He uses his column to go all over the world. That makes sense. But these creative ideas are transparently lame. They start with a premise that you know isn’t going to happen, like picking the senior Bush to head the U.N. or some such nonsense, and then that gives the columnist a platform to crank out the reasons why it’d be a good idea. Meanwhile, we all know that the senior Bush is not going to take a day-to-day responsibility. He’s too damn old. Yet, we have to play “Look at me and my bright idea!” for another column.
Friedman’s current one is about sending Cheney to talk tough to Iraqi leaders and threaten to withdraw our troops if they don’t make a deal amongst themselves. Sure, we’ll get right on that, Tom.
It's made me question the concept of paying for this stuff. Here’s how the New York Times online service has worked out for me. When the columns were free, I felt it was a wonderful treasure to be able to read at around 10p.m. for the next day. Since I started paying, I get a continuous feeling like I’m being ripped off.
No one has been more disappointing lately than Maureen. She’s either off on a book tour or making a spectacle of herself in this Battle of the Sexes stuff. Come on, you’re bigger than that.
If there’s one pet peeve I have it's columnists who quote too much. It’s like they’re saying, “Look how smart I am! I can cut and paste!” So how does Maureen finish Saturday’s column? Here’s the big close:
As Michael Hirsh of Newsweek summed up in a recent column: "How then did we arrive at this day, with anti-American Islamist governments rising in the Mideast, bin Laden sneering at us, Qaeda lieutenants escaping from prison, Iran brazenly enriching uranium, and America as hated and mistrusted as it ever has been? The answer, in a word, is incompetence."
Maureen, not all columns can have a big finish, but at least make it yours.
You’ve written a book called “Are Men Necessary?” and in this case the answer was apparently yes. You needed a man to finish your column for you.
'Come on, you're bigger than that, Maureen.'
As long as your benefit-of-the-celebrity personal grant of goodness to her image remains at variance from real on-the-ground firsthand assessment, any mental dissonance you suffer at trying to understand what's going on is going to persist in continuing your suffering chaos. (She is just another schmoo like me and you, the pedestal you mount her on is all in your mind. How come she gets the Big Bucks and you and I don't, for basically the same work and ability? -- Seems to me that's the question to bear in on. Not 'Maureen, how could you let us down?')
I thought you read "Crossing the Rubicon." What part of its explanation that there were no arab hijackers, that Cheney did it (in league and under direction of G.H.W.Bush), and the skyscrapers were pre-set controlled demolitions, didn't you 'believe'? Not understand? Were you fixated that deranged humans who are in office not-elected, who committed election fraud (FLA 2000, Ohio 2004, and so much more), who are puppets,could not possibly let YOU down?
Judith Miller was a paid neo-con operative, just like Armstrong Williams, just like Maria Gallagher, (remember her in The O all the time, picked to be featured by the same guy that wrote the editorial this past weekend about the Oscar for happyhop music, i.e. Bates, saying 'what's going on in popular culture, where did all this pimpin come from, why isn't real America like I am trying to force it to be as it was in my memory on the Ed Sullivan show?, clueless loser, Bates, picking the op-ed info you get to see and censoring what you don't -- if you're a loser yourself still subscibing to that paper; and Bill, about Dowd, did you think Williams and Gallagher were the only ones bought off and they got caught?), and Bob Woodward and the publishers of the papers of these people, (just like the publishers of YOUR local papers), are bought and paid for creepynazis WORKING FOR THE NEO-CONs. If it doesn't let you down too much too far to realize your 'old buddy, good buddy' is a murdering criminal, like Cato Kalen's good buddy, there, what's-his-name. Look, the NYTimes was a friend of mine, too, for over 25 years, but now I see they are cowardly blackmailed nazi enablers, I don't read a stitch of their lying shit, and I don't miss NUTHin after I started boycotting them.
Yeah, you lose faith in innate human virtue and get excommunicated from the Church of Hero(ine) Worship, and it means you have to do it ALL yourself, (gather the news yourself, write the op-ed analysis columns yourself, sit in Congress yourself), but, hey, at least you don't eat a hole in your mind trying to make sense out of all the nonsense being said and reportedly done. Truth will come out of this and carry you out, too, if you're hanging on to it.
Like, today-ish, when ALL Mass Media items 'can't figure out what Dem's are thinking,' or 'can't figure out why Dem's don't grow some spine,' etc. -- Bill, everybody: the anthraxing of the Capital was not merely a 'shot across the bow,' (from G.H.W.Bush's CIA, again, I remind you to notice how this same one sinister dude is standing right in the shadow of EVERYthing that goes on), it was a death threat -- 'CIA nazis are taking over your country, you want to get along to older age, you better go along.' Wellstone wasn't intimidated nor going along, and now he's dead. Next ...?
I know, I know, America is not supposed to WORK like that, they PROMISED, the democracy check is in the mail, they can't DO this to you (me, and 300 million). 'Uh, you got a problem with that ... what's your name,' to quote Liars Larson, Rash Lamebrain, et al.
Bring it on, dead or alive, with us nazis or dead against us, to quote Jughead.
Please open your eyes Bill and feel the pain of the (wage) slaves under BushStalin. You are too valuable and important person to be over on the dark side.
Dowd wrote in one column that the strongest most assaultive response she had ever been on the receiving end of during the first year of Jughead, was in response to the column in which she had reported that Bush Sinister phone-controlled Bush Jughead in an average of five phone calls between them DAILY. (Who do you call 5 times daily?)
And she never wrote about the calls or the George Hitler Worker Bush tyrant again. But the calls have not stopped. Check it out -- ask Dowd.
(I know, I knwo, facts are so confusing when there is an image of a celebrity on a pedestal to uphold in the imagination.)
See also Harry Shearer's work in Le Show, at, or on OPB's KOAC 550AM aired (9-hr delay from live) at 8:00 pm on Sundays. Oh, you don't get Corvallis AM radio in Portland where the voters are? Hunh. Probably OPB will just cancel Shearer so NObody hears him. Doing his great bits where he is both voices in the Sinister-Jughead phone calls, (archived at his website, in Le Show).
What makes me expect OPB would cancel Shearer from one toe-dip in Corvallis, before OPB would expand him statewide to swim in their airwaves? Uh, Public Broadcasting is under orders? Death threats? Bushnazi's shipped OPB a casket and said put Shearer in it or yourself?
So, yeah, Bill, it is serious mucky duck times with nazis taking over the country murdering wantonly, what's the count in Iraq now, north of 2500, dead, killed by Sinister's cute little Take Over America recreation. And, no, the mass media is not on your side or America's side or in the public interest. They ain't gonna save you. Where you can find superman to save you is in a mirror. You ain't gonna find anyone else who can pledge their life, fortune, and sacred honor. Or will.
What's your mirror say?
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