Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Donald Rumsfeld and the Lessons of History

Now we're getting to the annoying part. Donald Rumsfeld has given a blistering speech to the American Legion, saying that Bush critics aren't taking the threats America faces seriously enough. You know, sort of like the way Donald Rumsfeld didn't take the threat of an insurgency in Iraq seriously enough. He also compared Bush critics to those who tried to appease Hitler before World War 2. Of course, if Donald had been in charge, he would have tried to defeat the Nazis with too few soldiers and no post-invasion plan. Yes, it turns out what went wrong in Iraq is our attitude. The fact that it has taken longer than World War 2, and that things are getting worse instead of better, is not Donald Rumsfeld's fault. It is our fault for being so critical. 20,000 young Americans with horrible wounds? That's because liberals whined. Nearly 3,000 soldiers killed, many not actually fighting but just driving around? It's our lack of resolve. The fact that the war plan was so screwed up that the country it helped the most was Iran instead of America? This is not Donald's responsibility, either. See, the problem here is the people who pointed out how screwed up the situation is - not the situation itself. The Bush team does not play the accountability game. Not when they can spin the story and deflect the blame somewhere else. You know, I admit it. Maybe I am at fault here. After all, I didn't attend a single planning meeting for Iraq. I left this thing completely in the hands of the Bush team - a bunch of chicken hawks or men like Rumsfeld who never served in combat. What was I thinking? You can tell they're not up to it. They just seem a little too eager to hype what they're doing. It must be exciting for Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld to make the World War 2 analogies. It brings to mind those great war movies like "The Longest Day". Only this movie will be called "The Longest Presidency", starring George W. Bush, the familiar tale of the bumbling son. See, one other thing America did back in World War 2, was put the right people in charge - people like Dwight Eisenhower. If you're going to wage a war, why not get actual warriors? Not people like Dick the Quail Hunter Cheney. Fortunately for the Free World, incompetent Washington infighters like Donald Rumsfeld weren't given a chance to screw up World War 2. That's why we won. But now he's screwed up Iraq which means it's our fault. Donald Rumsfeld might not know how to run a war, but he definitely knows how to run his mouth.


At 9:56 AM, Blogger LaurelhurstDad said...

Rummy also warned us of the rise of fascism in the world. I guess he looked in a mirror that day.

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is this how you got back to being funny again?

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Bill McDonald said...

I just process the rage here, and I'm funny for my clients. And it's almost working. I never wanted to be a political activist type, but every now and then you see a problem you can't walk by. That's how the cable access show started, that's what's behind the blog. When people ask why we let this administration damage America so badly, I want to be able to say that I tried to stop it. The problem I can't walk by is the Bush administration so maybe I'll return to being funny full-time in January of 2009.

At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish I could catch your cable show. But I'm on DishNetwork.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Bill McDonald said...

I wish I could get the NFL package, but that's not a cable situation. Maybe it'd help if I could at least watch Reggie Bush for a change.

At 4:23 PM, Blogger Reel Fanatic said...

Picking on poor Rummy almost makes me feel dirty .. he's almost like the retarded kid on the playground at this point, but with way more power .. ever see that Errol Morris documentary about McNamara .. that was chilling, but I can't imagine how much more frightening if Morris were able to get Rummy to reveal what really goes on in his truly malevolent mind


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