Quick: How Many American Soldiers Died Sunday and Monday in Iraq?
The news goes right on being bad out of Iraq, but the media is toning it down out of respect for the powers-that-be prior to an election. You'll probably hear more positive stories about the price of oil and how gas will be $2 dollars-a-gallon by Thanksgiving - not so much with the coverage of American soldiers. There was a time a few years back when 8 dead U.S. troops in 2 days would have been a headline. Well, that's what we lost Sunday and Monday in Iraq. Of course, today is not about the news. It's about the big celebrity doing the news. Let's see...I think I have it straight: Tonight Rosie O'Donnell starts anchoring the CBS Evening News, and Katie Couric debuted this morning on The View. Is that right? I've got to pay more attention to what's really going on.
Quick! How many humans died at the hands of Islamo-extremists because of their murderous tendencies and religeous intolerence this weekend?
That's an interesting question, Butch. Rush loves to trot out the number of people who die in car crashes to try and prove Iraq was no big deal. Of course, it's idiotic because car crashes don't give rise to the next generation of terrorists the way Iraq has. But I wonder if he ever talks about the total number of people killed by terrorists - let's even go back to December of 1973 when my best friend was killed in a terrorist attack at the Rome airport. I wonder what the total number of people killed by all the terrorist attacks has been? Then I wonder if this clash of civilizations - war of the worlds stuff is just so much hype to give our authoritarian rulers an organizing enemy while they snatch power, and destroy America?
Why limit it to just those killed by "terrorists"? We should include Muslim women killed for walking down the street with a man who is not their husband, teenagers being publicly hung or stoned for being gay, girls being killed by their own families for the shame of being raped, etc etc.
Why limit it to just those killed by terrorists? Because we're in the War on Terror. This is World War 3. Didn't you get the memo?
WWIII is a war against radical Islamic extremists, not just the ones strapping on bombs.
They're marketing it as the War on Terror. That's the ad campaign I see on my TV.
And the other side is marketing it as merely a police action. Take your pick.
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