Friday, January 13, 2006


What does Murtha know? He now says he’s confident that a vast majority of American troops in Iraq will be coming home this year because the President is afraid of the 2006 elections. One thing the pundits don’t stress enough is that Murtha talks with his good buddies in the military. He wouldn’t be saying this if they didn’t want him to say it. His buddies aren’t the commanders on TV. His buddies are the old guard.
Several things might be at work here: The President’s resolve was a sham. He acted decisively because that’s what Karl Rove felt was the easiest image to market. Certainly if you look at the things he’s supposed to stand for, he hasn’t shown much resolve with them. I didn’t think he’d be compassionate, but I never thought the conservative part was such a load. Resolve shouldn’t be a sticking point, and the right wing, water-carrying suck-ups like Lars Larson and David Reinhard will get right in line when they hear the new talking points.
Murtha must know that Iraq is done; it’s beyond the spin stage. It’s time to call it a disaster and get out. He also must believe that Bush is capable of a 180 on anything. The resolve image is closer to the stubborn petulance of a spoiled brat, than the earmarks of a great leader. We’ve got to let him get out of this without forcing the issue. You don’t want Bush getting any more soldiers killed just because he can’t admit he’s wrong. Maybe we should have a petition that reads, “It’s okay. Just end it. You’ll have more time to ride your bicycle.” This is going to be a delicate situation. What does Murtha know?


At 6:59 AM, Blogger Sarge said...

What is it with democrat politicians and their phony purple hearts? The man is nothing more than a traitor. It's about time the truth started coming out about this "lion" of the left.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger rickyragg said...

Too bad the "decorated veteran" didn't get any decorations for his ABSCAM service.


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