Art Alexakis: Another Reason I Love Portland

I got a chance to chat with Art Alexakis today. He’s going through a sad time having lost his mother last week. I don’t feel I’m doing wrong by mentioning that - Art is among friends here in Portland. I’m sure we'd all like to send him our best right now. I told him I went through it last year, and to take all the time he needs. Losing your Mom is as primal as it gets. It was also quite a reminder of where I’ve come back from, seeing him there with his emotions on the surface. What an intense experience.
I also told him I was just thinking about him today and I was. I think a lot about great rock and roll and I consider his music to have everything great rock calls for. That Santa Monica song kicked my ass, as did “Everything to Everyone”, and “Father of Mine.” It’s always weird when you see someone who succeeded in doing what you had set out to do, but for me it’s just a matter of respect. Do you know how many people have tried to make it in rock and roll? Art got pretty damn far, attaining international touring rock-star status. That ain’t bad.
He also does something even more impressive: He writes great lyrics.
Just the phrase “Sparkle and Fade” knocked me out. Here's two of my favorite of his broken-relationship verses:
I am still living with your ghost
Lonely and dreaming of the west coast
I don't want to be your downtime
I don't want to be your stupid game
With my big black boots and an old suitcase
I do believe I'll find myself a new place
I don't want to be the bad guy
I don't want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore
Lines like “I don’t want to be your downtime” and “I don’t want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore” are, in my opinion, as good as it gets.
He mentioned he recorded a new album and I hope it goes through the roof. I also fervently hope that sometime all will be peaceful and cool among the former members of Everclear. I sat at a bar table at the Benson with the other two original guys when their version of the band was still going, and, though rock and roll can produce intense breakup scenarios, the right thing to do is wait for the first moment when everyone can be friendly again. You accomplished a lot together.
Of course, today Art isn’t a rock musician. He’s a guy who just lost his mother, and you don’t have to tour the world to know what that’s like. Wow, she must have been proud of this guy: “My son, the rock star.”
my mom died last july, and it still comes as a shock. we weren't that close, but she was my mom and i loved her. she was a good person, generous if a bit ... idiosyncratic.
i hope you have good memories, Art, as well as family and friends to share your grief and remembrances. being with my brother and sister made such a difference. i wish you peace.
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