White House Tiring, Constitution Showing No Signs of Fatigue

The White House “brain trust” is now whining that they’re getting worn down. Apparently, it takes a lot of energy to screw this many things up. Maybe they should take a deep breath and remember the soldiers they sent to Iraq on an ill-advised, preemptive con job, that turned into a nightmare occupation. Maybe those troops get a little weary every now and then, too.
Speaking of worn down, how about us? Do you think it’s been refreshing watching these White House clowns in action? It’s like the staff all pulls up in one car and 28 of them get out, all wearing those big clown shoes. Too much of our time these last years, has been devoted to monitoring these maniacs. Good government means people are free to live their lives with the President and Congress in the background. This is the most high-maintenance group of losers ever assembled in the Oval Office. “Whoops, I shot a man.” “Whoops, I didn’t notice a category-5 hurricane.” “Whoops, I want to be a dictator and trash the Constitution.”
Ahh, the Constitution. Some would argue that the Constitution couldn’t be that great a document if it can be undone by this C-student and his criminal pals. Should we try and improve it? I don’t think so.
The system of checks and balances is about as good as it can get. There’s always going to be political people involved even if we put them in robes and call them Supremes. What happened here was a perfect storm. All three branches fell under one-party rule, which was risky, but acceptable, as long as those at the top had integrity. At that precise moment we dropped a President into the equation who happened to be a power-hungry moron.
Of course, the Constitution has taking a drubbing under these circumstances, but there’s one more beautiful feature of this document. It forces these mediocre madmen to exit after a specified time. Not even King George is going to try and override that part of our law.
At this point the Constitution will hold its nose and flush, sending this administration where it belongs: Down the toilet of history.
Senior White House Staff May Be Wearing Down
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