How Are the Troops from the First Gulf War?
I have yet to get final permission to broadcast a documentary called “Beyond Treason” on local television and, frankly, I sort of hope it doesn’t happen. Oh well, so far I'm proceeding like it's a go. I just got back from transferring 89 minutes of some of the most devastating film you’ll never want to see, onto the D-9 tape they use at Portland Community Media. Here’s a bit from their website that'll give you some idea of what this is about:

"Some believe these illnesses are caused by exposure to depleted uranium munitions used on the battlefield. Others believe chemical and biological exposures are the prime suspect. While yet an even larger group argue that experimental vaccines given to our troops, without their knowledge or consent, may have lead to the demise of many of these soldiers.
From the first Gulf War the VA has determined that 250,000 troops are now permanently disabled, 15,000 troops are dead and over 425,000 troops are ill and slowly dying from what the Department of Defense still calls a “mystery disease.” How many more will have to die before action is taken?”
Supporters of the Iraq War love to brag about how much they're behind the troops, but what happens when the troops come home, and start getting sick? Who's supporting their cause then?
This really is an important film. So why am I hoping the film’s producers say no to airing it? Because this is harsh stuff, folks. Some of the scenes are as harsh as I’ve witnessed. There were times when I had to leave the room.
We should want to know this stuff, but it isn't easy. I was stunned by that one number: 250,000 troops disabled with serious medical problems from a ground war that lasted 150 hours?
What happened here?
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